Bukit Timah in Singapore

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What is Bukit Tima, Bukit Timah Hill, Bukit Timakh, Bukit-Timakh, bukis tima, bwkyt tymah, wu ji zhi ma, Букит Тимах, Букит-Тимах, Букіт Тіма, بوکیت تیماه, ブキッ・ティマ, 武吉知马, 부킷 티마?
Answer: Bukit Timah is hill (mountain,hill,rock), a rounded elevation of limited extent rising above the surrounding land with local relief of less than 300m

What is latitude and longitude and where is Bukit Timah? (answered)
Geographic latitude: NORTHERN 1° 21' 16.92" (display in decimal number system 1.3547000)
Geographic longitude: EASTERN 103° 46' 35.04" (display in decimal number system 103.7764000)
Elevation (above sea level): 164 meters
Population: 0
Digit terrain model: 176
Time zone: Asia/Singapore
International names: Bukit Timah

Bukit Timah Postal number:
Country: Singapore

Names that can be found on the Internet:
Bukit Timah Hill [ English, ]
Букіт Тіма [ Ukrainian, ]
Букит Тимах [ Bulgarian, ]
Букит-Тимах [ Russian, ]
بوکیت تیماه [ Persian, ]
ブキッ・ティマ [ Japanese, ]
武吉知马 [ Chinese, ]
부킷 티마 [ Korean, ]

See the link for more description and information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bukit_Timah.